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#1 Le 18-08-2022 à 13h14

Messages: 854

Good afternoon!

This topic is dedicated to all of our players trying to get the new Maroua Top hamste fur.

In this topic, you can ask me to manually deliver your cro-babies for the top Maroua if your cromimis are not giving birth as they should.

Make sure that you leave enough time for your cromimis to have a chance to give birth as I will only deliver the babies after their due date and not before! Here is a reminder of the normal cromimi's gestation time:

6 days for the VIPs
(4 days wait between pregnancies and 2 pregnancy days)


15 days
for the non-VIPs
(10 days wait between pregnancies and 5 pregnancy days)

As for the other "Special delivery" topics, you must state the complete name(s) of the pregnant cromimi(s) in your message .

You can ask for up to four cromimis in your message.

And good luck for this new top /library/php/forum/views/smilies/big_smile.png


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#2 Le 11-01-2023 à 20h17

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 8

Can I have my girls Eliza and Julie give birth? After that I am going to get her babies to mate and hopefully I can get the right combination!

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#3 Le 11-01-2023 à 20h46

Messages: 20 097

Julie63 a écrit :

Can I have my girls Eliza and Julie give birth? After that I am going to get her babies to mate and hopefully I can get the right combination!

Hello ...
You are on the wrong topic : see the other one call "Permanent topic".
Here, it's only for the Top Maroua Hamster, as write above !

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#4 Le 12-01-2023 à 21h19

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 8

Yes, I am trying for the maroua Hamster and it clearly states that This topic is dedicated to all of our players trying to get the new Maroua Top hamster fur. That is me! The other permanent topic is for leveling up. If something has changed, please tell me because I have no idea if this is right or wrong or something! Thank you for helping me Kacahuete.

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#5 Le 13-01-2023 à 12h27

Messages: 20 097

Julie63 a écrit :

Yes, I am trying for the maroua Hamster and it clearly states that This topic is dedicated to all of our players trying to get the new Maroua Top hamster fur. That is me! The other permanent topic is for leveling up. If something has changed, please tell me because I have no idea if this is right or wrong or something! Thank you for helping me Kacahuete.

Hello ...

The 2 Cros you designate are clearly not part of the pyramid's Cros: you have no chance of obtaining the coats expected with them!
You must absolutly respect the races and sexes indicated in the pyramid of Maroua to try to have the coats requested and thus climb to the top to have the Top! Nothing has changed: it has always been so!

So we can't make you give birth to these 2 who will never give the top!
Read the instructions carefully....

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#6 Le 16-01-2023 à 20h19

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 8

Do you have two crominis I could buy that I could put together to get the Maroua?  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-07.gif  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-07.gif  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-07.gif  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-07.gif  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-07.gif  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-07.gif

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